Lilypie Pregnancy Event tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, March 2, 2013

6dp2dt: Holy cramps, batman!!!

So, I skipped a post yesterday. I did it for a few reasons:
1) I'm the only person who reads my blog
2) The symptoms were pretty much the same and all caused by the progesterone and estradiol

When I got home, at a little after 7, I was wiped out! Seriously... felt like I couldn't move a limb if my life depended on it. DH was folding laundry and I was starving. I asked him if he would go to panera and get my fav and in exchange, I would finish folding the laundry. Bless wonderful husbands. He did it! Not more than 20 minutes after eating, I was completely knocked out - onion breath and all.

DH said he knew I was tired because I didn't do my hair before bed and that has only happened about 2x in my adult life!

I woke up this morning with pretty bad cramps. If today were an ordinary Saturday, I'd just stay in bed and read for next week, but I have oral arguments today. To top it off, there's usually a team of 2 doing the arguments and I decided to do it on my own, so I have to present both sides. This'll be fun. On a better note, the two guys I'm arguing "against" are two of the sweetest guys in the program and have been very collaborative and not at all treating me like the enemy. I cannot wait for 3pm today.

On to symptoms. First, I'll say that I POAS (peed on a stick/took a pregnancy test) for those of you not familiar with the lingo. I know I wouldn't be able to detect any HCG yet, so I was comfortable witht he BFN I inevitably got. I just didn't know how long it would have taken for the HCG trigger to be out of my system, so I wanted to test to see if it was. Anyway, 6 more days til my beta. I.can't.wait!

medium-severe cramps: I used to be on naproxen for my cramps when I was a teen. I know bad cramps when I see them - progesterone?
heavy boobs, though remarkably not as heavy as mid-week - estradiol/progesterone
still weeing like a race horse - I might have to wear pull-ups for oral arguments! LOL

That's all, folks! Wish me luck with OA. When it's over, I'm going to do a backflip in my head!

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