Lilypie Pregnancy Event tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Felt like giving up...

I'm not proud of that fact, but the past couple of days have been a little bit of a low point for me. I guess it all started on Wednesday when I had my appointment at the clinic. I used my time there to also square away my mounting bill. I paid it in full to the tune of $912!!! Yes, $912 USD! Do you know what I could do with $912? That was the primary thought running through my head. $555 of that $912 was for the cracked egg retrieval. I had to pay half a grand for them to retrieve a scrambled egg. So, of course, I took to the internet to see what the odds were of them ever retrieving an egg that was worth $5, much less $555 and the stats weren't encouraging.
The other thing that made the $912 news seem so insurmountable was the follie check. Do you remember the two follies measuring around 8mm just a week before? Well, I guess they were on vacation. Now there's only a 9mm follie. And, I'm not saying "ONLY" to sound like an ingrate, but that means that I'm embarking on another natural IVF cycle. So, I have my next appointment on Tuesday, 2-May to see how that follie is developing and I'm taking OCP every other day until 30-April.
So, here's the mail from the clinic until Tuesday. I will update as soon as I know something more:

This email to inform you about your bloodwork results and your instructions for today, April 25th, 2012:
E2 133
FSH 17
LH 10
Progesterone 0.6
Dr.Wong reviewed your results, please see your instructions below :
  • Please continue with birth control pills, 1 tablet, every other day. Last pill on 4/30/12.
  • Please return to office on 5/2/12 at 9am, to Columbus Circle location, for bloodwork and ultrasound.
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this email.
Thank you and have a great day.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

It's been a while...

JamaicaI took the girl to Jamaica to celebrate her birthday. We were there for only 5 short days, but the lead-up and wind-down have taken more out of me than I realized. We got back on Wednesday night - 18-April. I had an appointment on Thursday morning. I had been taking birth control pills every other day and having crazy twinges every single day - which I attributed to the shock therapy I got at acupuncture.
Well, not sure if it was the shock therapy or the fact that I was forced to relax, even if for only 5 days, but I have two follicles growing. There was the obligatory one on the left side - which always seems to be there. HOWEVER, there was one on the right side as well. I have never seen anything but dust on that side, so I was happy for the news. On Thursday, they were measuring 7.5mm on the right and 8mm on the left.
Grow follies, grow! I have an appointment on Wednesday to check on them. Until them, I'm taking prenatals every day and OCP every other day. Fingers crossed. I'm feeling hopeful!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Fried eggs!

This week, at my acupuncture appointment, she introduced electricity! I nearly died when she attached the node to my foot - voltage was too high? However, she put two nodes on my "ovaries" and let it run for 10 mins! OUCH. I have had this constant throbbing pain ever since AND I had some weird chalky, brown discharge yesterday... no red flow.
If there were any eggs left in these sucky ovaries of mine, I hope she didn't fry them!