Lilypie Pregnancy Event tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The little embie that could...

So, as I mentioned this morning, the clinic did not call to tell me to come in. Since it's an hour away, I headed out at 10am, anyway. I got there a little early, with DH and my sis in tow. When the nurse called me in, I saw a wrist-band on the table. That was a good sign! It meant I was going to have a procedure done! Wooo hooo... There was this picture on the table - the same one from above.

The nurse said something along the lines of the embie looking great and being ready to do the procedure and that there was one woman ahead of me. I disrobed, put my things in my locker, then went to the waiting room and grinned like nobody's business. It was happening!

There was one other woman waiting there, who I came to know had traveled all the way from Madrid to have her procedure done. She was also transferring one embryo, but hers was a day 4 transfer. This was said entirely in Spanish because she spoke no English! She was very nice, though and we parted with mutual "buenas suertes"wishes.

The procedure was really quick (10 minutest tops). The doctor was really nice and explained everything, talking along the way. He said the procedure went well and wished me luck. When it was all over, I wanted to lie there for 3 days to make sure it stuck. In reality, I know that's not how it happens, but I just wanted to take every precaution imaginable.

I went to the recovery room where, even though I had just used the bathroom not more than 20 minutes before, I could not contain myself. I spent the entire time shaking my legs and was quite relieved when the nurse came in.

The nurse handed me my instruction sheet... nothing in the vaginal cavity, no bubble baths, no tampons, keep taking the progesterone and estradiol and come back on 3/8/13 for the blood test. She also gave me an HCG injection which she said they believe helps with implantation. Fingers crossed!

So, there you have it, folks! I have to go back next Friday! I am so honored to have made it this far. I really am. This is the day I was told would never happen just a short 13.5 months ago. It has really been a fantastic experience so far and I can't wait to share more of my journey.



  1. Congrats on a successful transfer!!! Glad things went well and I am sending you lots of sticky vibes!! Good luck with the TWW and I hope it flies by for you!!

  2. Hey N. can you tell me more about the BC pill helping trigger follicle growth? How many, for how long? My email is I have been having monthly cycles on HRT patch, but not taking progesterone.(which is confusing the heck out of my OB - who is a bit of a downer when it comes to hoping for anything) I have been thinking of going back on BC pill, but worried that might ruin my chances all together. Would just like to get a little more info. BTW - everyone's blogs are so therapeutic and have made me feel a little less alone in all of this. So thanks for sharing!

    1. I am going to send you a mail tomorrow. I had a huge assignment due for school today, so I've been held hostage by that!
