Lilypie Pregnancy Event tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, February 22, 2013

Retrieved an egg today...

This morning, I woke up at 4am! Nerves? I'm not sure. We had an egg retrieval appointment at 8:00. Dh and I got there early and I tried to busy myself in the waiting area.

I went in for the sonogram, first, to make sure the follicle was still there. And it was - measuring a nice, plump 21mm! The doctor (a new woman I've never seen before) said my lining was good, which was comforting. I told her that if the egg fertilized, I want a fresh transfer for this cycle - not frozen.

Next was the procedure room. My instructions for retrieval day were to not wear anything with perfume - no lotion, deodorant, etc. I can survive a morning without deodorant, but I cannot survive a morning without lotion. When I changed into my hospital gown, it looked like I had fallen into a vat of flour. All for a good cause!

I felt more pain at this retrieval than I felt at the one almost exactly a year ago (2/28, I think??) But, they got the egg and Dh made his contribution, so we are just waiting. We should hear by tomorrow at 3pm whether it's viable or not. If it is viable, they will do the embryo transfer on Sunday morning at 11:45.

In the interim, I am taking progesterone suppositories 2x daily and estradiol (2mg per day).

I felt on top of the world after the procedure. I went to the mall and bought a ton of girly clothing. Since my hormones have been regulated, I've felt more like "dressing up" and accessorizing.

I'll follow up tomorrow to let you know the news from the doc!

Keep crossing those fingers!!!

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