I'm going to attempt a shower, then call my doc.
After a diagnosis of premature ovarian failure (POF), in Jan 2012, Nik decided to share her journey to her BFP. She underwent treatments in NYC, which eventually lead to IVF. Nik is now expecting her post-POF baby - Pumpkin!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
19w3d: exhausted with a side of "a reveal cake"!!!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
13w4d: NT scan last Friday and a clear sono pic with a human-looking baby!!!
It's amazing how much of a difference 3 weeks make. When I had my 10w sono, Pumpkin still looked like a little blob of a gummy bear. However, at my NT scan last week, I could see full facial features. Pumpkin was being so adorable, too... opening and closing his/her (although I'm leaning towards his) mouth and moving all over the place. I still don't have much of a bump, but Pumpkin is super busy in there!
I bought a doppler a couple of weeks ago. I was a little bit bummed that I hadn't heard the heartbeat - even though I was having appointments and everything was fine. Well, Dh and I FINALLY heard a solid heartbeat yesterday. I listened again this morning. It's the best thing. I'll take a recording and try to post it here.
Other than that, one more final tomorrow. I am taking a much-needed study break. I am about to lose my mind!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Thursday, May 9, 2013
12w6d: NT scan tomorrow and I am so not ready...
I can't be the only pregnant woman to have done this... lol.
Monday, April 29, 2013
11w3d: The book give-away winner!!!
Krystal Knobloch
Krystal, you've got one week to claim your prize!!! Leave a comment on this post and I will tell you how to reach me :)
Sunday, April 21, 2013
10w2d:What a week!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
9w4d: make room for baby
Monday, April 15, 2013
9w3d: A book give-away
When I first found out I had POF, I went straight to the internet. I reckon I probably just typed in "POF: what now?" or something of the sort. I found a number of blogs (ok, maybe 2) and message boards. On one of the message boards, that was specifically for PCOS, not POF, I met another woman who responded to my post there and said she had POF, as well.
She recommended Julia Indichova's book, Inconceivable. I was willing to try everything. My husband doesn't believe that I read the book in 2 hours flat. I was that enthralled. I was at the beginning of y diagnosis and would have tried ANYTHING.
I cut meat out of my diet right away (and that only lasted two weeks). I stopped drinking coffee - instead I had a green shake every morning. I even tried acupuncture. I did not try the yoga and I could not bring myself to try the wheatgrass. However, that cycle that I employed the techniques of Ms. Indichova was the cycle that I grew the cracked egg. Maybe it would have worked had I done it for longer.
Ms. Indichova did manage to conceive. If my memory serves me correctly, her FSH was above 20 in the month she conceived naturally. I don't want to reveal too much of the story, so if reading is your thing, I definitely think you should read this book. If reading is not your thing, you should still read it. It's not a difficult read at all.
Either way, as a lover of books, I do believe they are for sharing. So, if anyone would like to win this book give-away, please leave a comment on this post and
Good luck!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
9w2d: Look who's growing so nicely!
Saturday, April 13, 2013
9w1d: Graduation from RE - pomp & circumstance
Sunday, April 7, 2013
8w2d: this li'l guy is my new bff
The weekend cold and general crappy feeling is back. I broke out my little Vicks inhaler for some relief. I'm starting to think it's actually allergies - I must be allergic to rest. Either way, this steam treatment feels really good right about now. Sorry for being MIA, but I seriously don't have an ounce of energy to spare. I'll be around again, soon.
I had another sonogram on Thursday. Baby measured 8w exactly, was positioned on the left side of my uterus and the HB was 155bps. I have my final appointment with the RE and then I graduate to my OB. I'll update you on that in a bit...
Saturday, March 30, 2013
7w1d: Told DD the news...
8 year olds are so insightful. I thought she would drive me nuts but, surprisingly, she didn't! I wanted to wait until I was a bit further along, but she found the books I bought at Barnes & Noble. If you know anything about me, you know that the minute I have a life-changing event, I go to BnN and use it as my excuse to buy more books! Well, I bought her a sibling book and she sort of found it, so I saw no need to hold back.
She keeps referring to the baby as "she". I thought that was pretty interesting, so I inquired: Do you think the baby's a girl? She responded: "Well, if it's a girl, that would be AWESOME. But, a boy would be great, too. All I want is a baby who is healthy and alive. For aunty's baby, I asked for her to be healthy... and she was healthy, but she was not alive. So, now this time I have to make sure I say healthy AND alive."
Boy do I love this little girl. Here I was thinking she would be completely mortified if she got a brother. Not at all...
Thursday, March 28, 2013
6w6d: heartbeat... you make me feel so sweet!
Had my first sono today! Pumpkin is measuring 7w0d and everything seems to be right on target. I didn't get a chance to ask the nurse how many bpms for Pumpkins heart. Dh was there at the beginning of the appointment, but missed the sono because NYC parking sucks and he had to move the car.
I have two more appointments at the fertility clinic, then they release me to my OB.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
6w5d: who is the sweetest man on earth?
Dh is! Omigosh, I have had the wind knocked out of my sails, lately. I keep telling myself that it's general first trimester loveliness. I bought a new fantastic bra the other day and they make my tender breasts feel so much better. When I told dh about it, he asked why I hadn't bought more and I told him that bras are expensive! Well, I came home to find two more bras, a card and skittles. Skittles make the world a better place... so does dh. I love him!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
6w1d: Had a final beta yesterday!
Either way, I got the email yesterday at noon and my beta was over 10,000... no more betas! I plugged the betas into the beta calculator and the doubling times are good! Thank goodness. Like I said in my last post - I don't mind sonograms, but please don't take any more of my blood!
I have a sonogram on Thursday at 6w6d. The best news is that dh will be able to come because schools are out this week. We can't wait to meet you, Pumpkin!!!
Here's the mail from the clinic:
Estrogen 578
Progesterone 35
HCG 10,907
Please continue the medications as instructed
Please refrain from heavy lifting, running/jogging, and strenous activities
Your next appointment is scheduled for Thursday, 3/28/13, for your first
ultrasound. Please be advised no blood work is necessary anymore.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
5w5d: A hormonal wreck
I wonder if I'll be able to resist the urge to compare everything with this pregnancy to my pregnancy with DD. With DD, I was a happy little camper. I felt energized (maybe not so much in the first trimester?) Right now, however, I am just feeling like sleeping and generally not being bothered by much. I guess we can chalk it up to the 10 year difference between pregnancies? Whatever it is, please get me a bed and let me at it!!!
On another note, aren't these the cutest things ever? Guess who's ordering them? Maybe not the exact same ones, but something similar...
Sunday, March 17, 2013
5w2d: Appointment and another beta
You would think after all the pricking and prodding, I would be used to it by now. Well, I'm not. I can deal with all sorts of gadgets up my hoo-ha. I can deal with sonograms. But for some reason, I just can't stand the sight of skin being punctured. This is going to make for a long 8 months, eh? Actually, if Pumkin comes on time or early, I have less than 8 months left. That is celebration worthy!
I went to Home Goods with my sister - who needed to find a jewelry tray for her dresser. Of course, I walked out with an elephant stool for Pumpkin. Then, I went to gymboree to get dd a birthday shirt (I pretty much do it every year) and they had an outfit that was just screaming "buy me for Pumpkin", so I did. However, I don't plan to do much more shopping. I really need to focus on school and leave the shopping for summer break.
Anyway, here's the mail from the clinic...
Your blood results from today are as follows:
Estrogen 427
Progesterone 33
BHCG 3229
Based on these levels, it indicates that the pregnancy is progressing well.
Please continue taking all your medications and come back on 3/22/13 for
blood work.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
The protocol that worked...
First things first. Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. I am not offering medical advice. My results may or may not work for you. I am only offering up the protocol that worked for me. Please view it accordingly.
Estrogen <Low
FSH 35
Please take birth control pills to help suppress the FSH level for a
dominant follicle to grow.
Increase birth control pills to 1 tablet every day from today to 1/21/13
Your next appointment is scheduled for 1/22/13 for blood work only.
Have a good day!
Note: I did not return on 1/22 because I had the flu. I continued to take the tablets and returned on 1/27.
Appointment 3: Monitoring and Bloodwork (Jan 27, 2013)- FSH is lower now, time to wean off of OCP
below are your blood results.
E2 31
LH 3
P4 0.2
Please reduce birth control pills 1 tablet every other day ( skip today,
take 1 tomorrow, every other day until 2/3) and return to the office on 2/4
only for blood work . If you have any questions, please feel free to
contact us.
Appointment 4: Monitoring and Bloodwork (Feb 4, 2013) - FSH is elevated again on 1 tablet every other day
Your lab results from today are as follows:
Estrogen 42
FSH 25
LH 10
Progesterone <low
Please continue with the birth control pill 1 tab every other day until
2/7/13 and return to the clinic on 2/8/13 for blood work only.
Please continue the pill every other day and return on Monday for blood
work, 2/11/13.
I am writing with the results of your blood work today:
E2 62
FSH 21
LH 11
P4 0.1
The doctor has reviewed your chart and would like you to return for blood
work and sonogram on Thursday, February 14, 2013, any time between 7:00 am
and 1:30 pm. No medications at this time.
FSH 21
Your FSH level is stable. You don't have to take any medications, simply
return to the office on Tuesday 2/19 for blood work and sonogram. If you
have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Blood test result:
Estradiol (E2):277
Luteinizing hormone (LH):41
Progesterone (P4): 0.6
As per MD, your Egg Retrieval is confirmed for 2/22/13, Friday, at 8am/
Please return to office with your husband at 7:30am.
Anika, continue with Ibuprofen/Advil 600mg every 12 hours until tomorrow's
And there you have it, folks! My doctor followed a natural IVF cycle protocol, using OCP to suppress my FSH levels and encourage a follicle to grow. Until egg retrieval, OCP were the only meds I took. 36 hours before my retrieval, I took a nasal spray. That was it. When I first embarked on my IVF journey, I thought I would have to give myself shots, but I didn't. This was minimally invasive!
5w1d: Cold from I don't know where or allergies?
Well, if it's a cold, that's bad because I can't take NyQuil - it just doesn't seem like the type of thing one would take while pregnant. So, I thought, I have my nasonex. That should give me some relief. That is, until I read this:
Nasonex and Pregnancy Category C
Um, I'm going to pass on the Nasonex. This stuff is scary!!! I don't need to feel well that badly. I'll just be sat here sneezing like there's no tomorrow and going through a box of kleenex every half hour. No worries!
Sunday, March 10, 2013
2nd Beta: 465
I went in this morning for my second beta. It wasn't a full 48 hours after my last appointment, but it was close enough. My beta two days ago was 244 and today, it was 465. I have a doubling time of 48.3 hours, which is in the acceptable range of 31-72 hours, so I'm happy.
Now, I don't have to go in multiple times a week; I can start going in weekly. My next appointment is next Sunday for another beta. After that appointment, the one afterward should include a sonogram.
Daylight saving time began today and it's always a lot harder to spring forward than it is to fall back. I am just taking it easy for the rest of the day because I know work this week will wear me out faster than I can say Friday.
Since I can't have any more wine, I had to find a new social drink. On Friday, I went to a pal's house and she had a really good sparkling cider. I grabbed two bottles of it today when I went on my grocery run! I have to pace myself because I'm totally the person who could drink a whole bottle in one sitting.
Anyway, nothing more to report... I haven't been doing much other than taking naps and generally being lazy.
OHHH... I did get a pinterest account. My stars is that thing confusing. It MADE me follow five random people before I could get an account. How do I make that stop? I don't want to follow five random people. I just picked 5 interesting looking ones, but now I'm getting all of their pins. I guess I have to play around with it a little bit.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
12dp2dt: Confirmed a pregnancy

On the day before my OTD, I had some REALLY bad cramping and what I thought was spotting. It wasn't really... anyway, it was enough to freak me out, make me go home and miss school. I got home at 4:30, after leaving work early, and slept for FOUR hours, at which point I woke up to find messages galore from my law buddies - making me feel so loved. Yesterday morning, at 12dpt, I had my appointment and got the following mail from the clinic:
This email is to inform you of your instructions: Estrogen 322 Progesterone 39 HCG 244 Please be advised that the pregnancy test was POSITIVE Instructions: Continue Estrogen and Progesterone supplementation at this time Refrain from heavy lifiting, jogging, and excessive exercise. Your next appointment is scheduled for 3/10/13 to confirm that the pregnancy level is increasing.
To say I'm over the moon is an understatement. We are calling this baby, Pumpkin. I haven't told anyone outside of here, my sister and one law friend... oh, and dh knows, too. LOL
Sunday, March 3, 2013
7dp2dt: smacked by an elephant...
That's how I feel. DH and I slept until a little bit after noon, which is unlike him. I have been known to catch an extra Z, or two, but this morning I just could not pull myself out of bed. Even now, after having just gotten up a mere 2.5 hours ago, I am yawning and feeling like I need a nap.
My "symptoms" have plateaued. I'm not feeling anything right now, actually. Breasts are still a little sore, but I'm still taking progesterone, so I'm not expecting anything different. I did feel a tiny bit of cramping today and I've gotten headaches for the past 3 days. I forgot to mention that on the past posts. Other than that and the tiredness (oh, and SNEEZING like a baboon!) I am not feeling anything.
So, I'm fighting myself with this whole POAS thing. Obviously the one yesterday was negative. It was way to early to test. But now, I'm wondering if I should POAS before my appointment on Friday so I'm not disappointed if it's a no. I figured if I know ahead of time, it won't be so bad finding out from the nurses.
I am REALLY hopeful for a positive. I love my clinic's "one good egg" policy because otherwise, I wouldn't have had the chance to be on this journey.
This week is a huge week for me. My firm is having communications on Wednesday - that's when they tell us how badly our bonuses are going to suck. This is also the last week of school before spring break. I.can.not.wait! I need a break.
Yesterday was moot court, which was the culmination of all of the brief writing I was doing last week. To say that I'm happy it's over is an understatement!
Anyway, that's it for now. Trying to keep my eyes open and read for this week.
tender bbs
Saturday, March 2, 2013
6dp2dt: Holy cramps, batman!!!
1) I'm the only person who reads my blog
2) The symptoms were pretty much the same and all caused by the progesterone and estradiol
When I got home, at a little after 7, I was wiped out! Seriously... felt like I couldn't move a limb if my life depended on it. DH was folding laundry and I was starving. I asked him if he would go to panera and get my fav and in exchange, I would finish folding the laundry. Bless wonderful husbands. He did it! Not more than 20 minutes after eating, I was completely knocked out - onion breath and all.
DH said he knew I was tired because I didn't do my hair before bed and that has only happened about 2x in my adult life!
I woke up this morning with pretty bad cramps. If today were an ordinary Saturday, I'd just stay in bed and read for next week, but I have oral arguments today. To top it off, there's usually a team of 2 doing the arguments and I decided to do it on my own, so I have to present both sides. This'll be fun. On a better note, the two guys I'm arguing "against" are two of the sweetest guys in the program and have been very collaborative and not at all treating me like the enemy. I cannot wait for 3pm today.
On to symptoms. First, I'll say that I POAS (peed on a stick/took a pregnancy test) for those of you not familiar with the lingo. I know I wouldn't be able to detect any HCG yet, so I was comfortable witht he BFN I inevitably got. I just didn't know how long it would have taken for the HCG trigger to be out of my system, so I wanted to test to see if it was. Anyway, 6 more days til my beta. I.can't.wait!
medium-severe cramps: I used to be on naproxen for my cramps when I was a teen. I know bad cramps when I see them - progesterone?
heavy boobs, though remarkably not as heavy as mid-week - estradiol/progesterone
still weeing like a race horse - I might have to wear pull-ups for oral arguments! LOL
That's all, folks! Wish me luck with OA. When it's over, I'm going to do a backflip in my head!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
4dp2dt: wish I could fast forward a week
I'm sat here in the law library. I want so badly to be in my bed, so this'll be short.
Still heavy boobs - thanks meds
Still slight cramping, not as bad as yesterday
Still weeing like a racehorse
Bloating - like nobody's business
Again, all of this is because of the meds, but I still like to keep track. I have the memory of a goldfish and I want to be able to look back on all of this and have it make sense... or not.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
3dp2dt: Long, rough day
So, after yesterday's fiasco with having to carry my 90lb bag (do you like how many times I've changed the weight of the bag??) I woke up with cramping. The left ovary was cramping, bu I also had a general cramping. At times it felt like period cramps and then at other times, it felt like the cramps you get after you drink a gallon of water, then run... okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but you get my drift.
Either way, I have been using the bathroom every 10 minutes and I am so tired!
None of these are pregnancy symptoms, since it's only day 5dpo. They're just general "you need a day off" symptoms. So, I skipped school. I really hate skipping school... primarily because law school is so expensive, but secondly because it's so dense, so to miss a day is to miss a lot. However, I am listening to my body and I know I needed the rest.
On another note, implantation can happen any time between today and Friday. Fingers crossed in a big way. Stick li'l bean, stick!!!!
sharp pain near ovaries
gas ~ sorry, tmi
heavy breasts, while not as sore
I'm pretty sure they're all related in some way to the meds... I just can't prove it!
P.s. My aunt asked my sister yesterday if I'm pregnant. I haven't told anyone IRL about this except a law friend, dh and my sister. My sister asked her why she thought that and my aunt said "I don't know, I just feel it". Then today, said aunt said she had a dream about triplets last night. Hopefully, she's right about the pregnancy. I DOUBT it would be triplets, but a singleton sure would be nice... take that, universe!!! Good vibes!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
I got to class 15 minutes late, partially because I had to use a different entrance to the school, the other part because I had to wait for the ONE student elevator in the law school and then because I encountered about 7 stairs that I had to go down to get to my classroom door. Once I got to the door, I realized that if I went to the back, I would have to carry the bag BACK UP another set of stairs. So, I stood outside of the classroom door listening for a pause, at which point I slipped into the front and sat in the first available seat.
In the back of my head, I know carrying a bag does not interfere with implantation, but I want this to work so badly, I am going to do whatever the doctor asks of me.
On a happier note, tomorrow is "implantation" day. I actually read today that it could be between days 5 and 7. I have been trying to stay away from the internet!
The dull throbbing in the left ovary has changed to a constant throbbing with sharp pains
heavy breasts, again. For this reason, I am loving progesterone and estradiol. I've never had breasts before (outside of my last pregnancy) and I'm pleased with them!
Anyway, I am going to listen to some music and try to relax... today was a whirlwind day and I'm glad it's over!
Monday, February 25, 2013
1dp2dt: symptoms
While the doctor said bed-rest was not necessary, he did say to "take it easy" and specifically mentioned not to do any heavy lifting. This proved to be a problem for me because I'm a law student and I have a rolling backpack that weighs more than I do. It's nice to have a roller. It's not nice when a good portion of NYC is not handicap accessible - particularly subways. So, I had to walk to school today. I am probably over-thinking this, but had I taken a cab, I'd have had to lob my bag into it somehow. The train station near work does not have an elevator, so I walked. It took me just about 35 minutes and I'm thinking it's something I should do more often. I usually take the subway, not out of laziness, but because it's faster than walking. I'm sure it wouldn't matter if I lifted my bag (which is super heavy, btw), but I'm not chancing it.
On to symptoms...
tender breasts - side effect of the progesterone
cramping - at the site of the retrieval - residual
So, nothing for now. It's still very early. Is it crazy that I'm calling Wednesday implantation day? Fingers crossed!
Some of you have sent me messages. I will respond to all of them tomorrow. I had a huge assignment due today and I want to make sure I give them all the attention they deserve!!! Thank you for reading!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
The little embie that could...
So, as I mentioned this morning, the clinic did not call to tell me to come in. Since it's an hour away, I headed out at 10am, anyway. I got there a little early, with DH and my sis in tow. When the nurse called me in, I saw a wrist-band on the table. That was a good sign! It meant I was going to have a procedure done! Wooo hooo... There was this picture on the table - the same one from above.
The nurse said something along the lines of the embie looking great and being ready to do the procedure and that there was one woman ahead of me. I disrobed, put my things in my locker, then went to the waiting room and grinned like nobody's business. It was happening!
There was one other woman waiting there, who I came to know had traveled all the way from Madrid to have her procedure done. She was also transferring one embryo, but hers was a day 4 transfer. This was said entirely in Spanish because she spoke no English! She was very nice, though and we parted with mutual "buenas suertes"wishes.
The procedure was really quick (10 minutest tops). The doctor was really nice and explained everything, talking along the way. He said the procedure went well and wished me luck. When it was all over, I wanted to lie there for 3 days to make sure it stuck. In reality, I know that's not how it happens, but I just wanted to take every precaution imaginable.
I went to the recovery room where, even though I had just used the bathroom not more than 20 minutes before, I could not contain myself. I spent the entire time shaking my legs and was quite relieved when the nurse came in.
The nurse handed me my instruction sheet... nothing in the vaginal cavity, no bubble baths, no tampons, keep taking the progesterone and estradiol and come back on 3/8/13 for the blood test. She also gave me an HCG injection which she said they believe helps with implantation. Fingers crossed!
So, there you have it, folks! I have to go back next Friday! I am so honored to have made it this far. I really am. This is the day I was told would never happen just a short 13.5 months ago. It has really been a fantastic experience so far and I can't wait to share more of my journey.
On our way to get our embie...
I have been up since roughly 4:30/5. I have a ton of crap to do later today - namely finish up the final touches on my brief. I can't think of anything but this embie, though!
Fingers crossed that I'll have wonderful news later on today!!!
Saturday, February 23, 2013
We have an embie!!!
That's not mine in the picture! Hahaha...
The lab called this morning to tell me that the egg fertilized (thank you for all the positive thoughts/vibes/etc.)
Transfer is tentatively scheduled for tomorrow morning at 11:45am.
This is happening, folks!
That's all I can write. I have to finish this legal brief!
Friday, February 22, 2013
Retrieved an egg today...
I went in for the sonogram, first, to make sure the follicle was still there. And it was - measuring a nice, plump 21mm! The doctor (a new woman I've never seen before) said my lining was good, which was comforting. I told her that if the egg fertilized, I want a fresh transfer for this cycle - not frozen.
Next was the procedure room. My instructions for retrieval day were to not wear anything with perfume - no lotion, deodorant, etc. I can survive a morning without deodorant, but I cannot survive a morning without lotion. When I changed into my hospital gown, it looked like I had fallen into a vat of flour. All for a good cause!
I felt more pain at this retrieval than I felt at the one almost exactly a year ago (2/28, I think??) But, they got the egg and Dh made his contribution, so we are just waiting. We should hear by tomorrow at 3pm whether it's viable or not. If it is viable, they will do the embryo transfer on Sunday morning at 11:45.
In the interim, I am taking progesterone suppositories 2x daily and estradiol (2mg per day).
I felt on top of the world after the procedure. I went to the mall and bought a ton of girly clothing. Since my hormones have been regulated, I've felt more like "dressing up" and accessorizing.
I'll follow up tomorrow to let you know the news from the doc!
Keep crossing those fingers!!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Appointment results from yesterday
So, DH and I went this morning, but the egg retrieval wasn't necessary. My LH was only 8 today - so no spike. However, my E2 levels were slightly lower - 240. Of course the crazy-lady in me hit the internet right away to see if that was a harbinger, but the sites I read seemed to think it was okay.
If you surrender to the wind...
"If you surrender to the wind you can ride it" - Toni Morrison
sur·ren·der (s -r n d r). v. sur·ren·dered, sur·ren·der·ing, sur·ren·ders. v.tr. 1. To relinquish possession or control of to another because of demand or compulsion.
In my foolish youth, I saw surrender as such a dirty word! Nik doesn't surrender... she prevails... against the obstacles, against the odds.
However, I am a firm believer that you have everything within you, RIGHT NOW, to be everything you will ever need to be.
It wasn't until I met DH that I realized there is some strength in surrender. There is some strength in having a bit of vulnerability.
Life and love are a beautifully-orchestrated dance where sometimes it's just not your turn to lead...
If you surrender, the strength of something else can propel you. If you fight, you are not propelled as far AND you'll be worn out.
Today I am surrendering. I am surrendering to the legal brief that desires completion. I am surrendering to the clinic making a last-minute decision to not retrieve my egg today, but wait until Friday. I am surrendering to the desire to just take a minute for myself and to steal a couple of deep breaths and quiet time without feeling guilty.
I will ride it...
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
I've never met a wagon I didn't love...
And, just that quickly, I am back on the "TTC" wagon.
So, let me take a step back... and by back, I mean late December. With the year drawing to a close, I realized I still had roughly $1k in my medical spending account. My account, like many, is one of those "use it or lose it accounts". I could have let the money go to waste, but I decided to book whatever doctor appointments we would routinely have in the spring. I booked the dentist for the three of us, the optometrist and... there was still money left over... even after I bought a pair of glasses.
Well, if you'd ever paid attention to my other posts where I lamented about the cost of infertility treatments, you know that going back to the clinic was a quick way to spend some cash.
I went back, initially, to get more HRT/BCP... and, who am I kidding? I wanted to know what my FSH levels were since the night sweats were back in full force.
Naturally, they put me on the BCP right away. They wanted me to take two pills a day. I did and went for my weekly visits and at some point my FSH went down to 6 and they told me to stop. However, when I stopped, my FSH went back up to 25. So, they told me to go on, again... and something happened. I got the flu and couldn't make it in. However, I kept taking the BCP thinking that once I was over my bug, I would go in. Well, that stabilized my FSH. Once they took me off again, it didn't go back up.
Now, at that point, they were only doing bloodwork. There weren't any numbers to indicate that a follicle was growing, so they didn't give me a sonogram. FSH was stable enough (at a high 21, but stable nonetheless) but I wasn't growing a follie.
Then I got the dreaded mail. It went something like "if something doesn't happen soon, we're going to bring you in to discuss further treatment with the doctor". I was crushed! PLEASE... don't give up. Just wait a little bit and give a follie a chance to grow.
So, I went in on Valentine's day. How un-romantic. They normally draw my blood and tell me they'll email me later, but they told me to stay for a sonogram. A sonogram! And I saw it... right on the screen... two little follies. One measuring 7mm and one measuring 4mm. I'll take it!
I shared the news right away with DH and my sister. I spent the weekend trying not to do anything wrong... no coffee (although I did have wine) and just generally stayed under the radar.
Today I went back. There's a 15.5mm follie! The doctor said "this is like waiting for a bus... we have to make sure we catch it on time." I have also been instructed to carry my nasal spray with me because "you may have to trigger at any time".
If you are in the finger crossing business, please cross them... if meditation is your thing, please spare a thought... if you love candles, please light one... Whatever you do, please stand with us in solidarity to get this little follie to his/her rightful home...
Thanks for reading... and remember, LAW - love always wins...
So hard to say goodbye...
On my birthday, my sister and I both took the day off and we were traipsing around the city. We had errands to run, but my sister was also feeling huge and heavy and wanted to "walk the baby out"! I even joked about giving my sister pitocin cookies to get things started.
Three days later, things were carrying on as normal. My sister had her annual Xmas eve party and baby was the center of all the jokes that imagined my sister in the hospital on Xmas day. My sister continued to insist that she thought the baby would come on the 4th of Jan.
On Xmas day, we awoke, went to my mom's house and opened gifts per the norm. My sister remarked that the baby, "Boo" as she was affectionately called, was active the night before. She felt a weird jolt and asked me to feel her stomach. When I felt her stomach, she felt a snapping sensation and rushed to the bathroom! "My water broke!" I couldn't believe my ears... the baby was coming on Xmas.
Excitement, anticipation, you name it and the air was thick with every emotion. My husband packed up the car and my sister and I went to grab a couple of last minute things from her house.
We phoned her husband and told him to make his way to the hospital PRONTO - he was off visiting family in a different part of the city.
The next hour is a blur... we checked in... the nurses told me I had to wait in the waiting room while they checked my sister (sure, pretty typical... no worries)... I waited and made small talk with the other visitors... then the nurse came and got me...
Crafty baby! Turn around... stop hiding! It's Xmas... come and get your birthday song!
As I walked into the makeshift tent, I tried to forget what the nurse had just said. INCREDIBLE... I don't believe you! Get a doctor in here... he's going to find the baby's heartbeat.
Then the doctor came....
And I saw...
right on the screen... I saw a little spine... and I saw a heart... and I believe I saw chambers, but don't quote me... and it was still... quiet... peaceful.
And I squeezed my sisters hand. And the nurse started crying... she looked to my sister and I. And we looked at each other in disbelief. We came to have a baby! Where is our baby!!!??? What's next?
On December 26, 2012 at 11:52am, my sister delivered the most beautiful baby girl I have ever laid eyes on. Boo! She had the warmest, sweetest-smelling skin... and her lips were RUBY RED! Xmas baby with red lips. I never knew a heart-break like the one I knew that day.
My sister.... strongest woman on earth, in my estimation. In the midst of the curve-ball life had thrown at her, she turned to me and said... "go ahead... pick her up!"
Thank you for sharing your baby with me! I was so honored. She could have taken all of those moments to herself since she knew exactly how finite they were... but she shared Boo with me. And for that, I am eternally grateful.
The most beautiful little soul... she embodied everything that is perfect in this world. She brought to mind a Roberta Flack song....