Lilypie Pregnancy Event tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

13w4d: NT scan last Friday and a clear sono pic with a human-looking baby!!!

It's amazing how much of a difference 3 weeks make. When I had my 10w sono, Pumpkin still looked like a little blob of a gummy bear. However, at my NT scan last week, I could see full facial features. Pumpkin was being so adorable, too... opening and closing his/her (although I'm leaning towards his) mouth and moving all over the place. I still don't have much of a bump, but Pumpkin is super busy in there!

I bought a doppler a couple of weeks ago. I was a little bit bummed that I hadn't heard the heartbeat - even though I was having appointments and everything was fine. Well, Dh and I FINALLY heard a solid heartbeat yesterday. I listened again this morning. It's the best thing. I'll take a recording and try to post it here.

Other than that, one more final tomorrow. I am taking a much-needed study break. I am about to lose my mind!


  1. Good luck w the pregnancy!!! How long did you cycle !

  2. Hi, I have just found you blog. Amazing story. I am 29 and have been diagnosed with POF 8 months ago (when my irregular periods stopped)and have no periods afterwards:-( My FSH after 3 months without period was 170!!! I still can't believe that this happened to me. I have been diagnosed 2 weeks after my wedding day, the day on which we decided that it is the time to start trying for our 1st child. I am from Poland but live in UK and the worst is that I can not find even one doctor who will give me a chance and try to treat me. They all are talking about DE :-( I am starting the HRT pills next week and hope they will bring back my periods. I have also start to take all the supplements which may help to grow that one egg which I know is somewhere inside me. Can you please explain me how exactly the BCP helped you with ovulation- I always thought they stop the ovulation and the eggs can not grow when you are on BCP. Am I wrong?
