On the day before my OTD, I had some REALLY bad cramping and what I thought was spotting. It wasn't really... anyway, it was enough to freak me out, make me go home and miss school. I got home at 4:30, after leaving work early, and slept for FOUR hours, at which point I woke up to find messages galore from my law buddies - making me feel so loved. Yesterday morning, at 12dpt, I had my appointment and got the following mail from the clinic:
This email is to inform you of your instructions: Estrogen 322 Progesterone 39 HCG 244 Please be advised that the pregnancy test was POSITIVE Instructions: Continue Estrogen and Progesterone supplementation at this time Refrain from heavy lifiting, jogging, and excessive exercise. Your next appointment is scheduled for 3/10/13 to confirm that the pregnancy level is increasing.
To say I'm over the moon is an understatement. We are calling this baby, Pumpkin. I haven't told anyone outside of here, my sister and one law friend... oh, and dh knows, too. LOL
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