So, I got a tad bit optimistic the other morning when my cycle appeared. I thought for sure it meant my body was regulating itself. However, this morning I woke up drenched in sweat. As many of you know, night sweats are one of the common symptoms of "menopause" and a lot of women with POF suffer from it.
I can't say that I've always paid attention. I do remember feeling hot some evenings, but once I was diagnosed, I paid closer attention. June was a particularly "hot" month for me. I remember showering every night and every morning and feeling like I couldn't escape the sweat... last night was a repeat.
I wore shorts and a tank top to bed and, while we do sleep with a comforter on the bed, the air was going all night long. I still felt like I was trapped outdoors during a heat wave. What gives?
I was hoping this cycle would give me a head-start to growing a follie, but if I'm already having night sweats, my symptoms are probably too advanced. I'm going to keep a close eye on my symptoms. I know the chances are pretty slim that I'll ovulate two months in a row, but it's worth a shot!
Ugh, I HATE night sweats and it's never a good sign for my cycles. I haven't been so lucky as to ovulate two months in a row, but you never know!